Moya Britaniya
kennel RKF-FCI

About us



Jack Russell Terrier ans Welsh Corgi Pembroke Kennel "Moya Britaniya"

registered in RKF-FCI in 2009


Марина Попова и Аркадий Попков


The owners of the kennel:

Popkov Arkady — veterinarian, experience working with animals for 30 years, the basic profile animals — sport horse. During Soviet times, worked veterinarian with Russian national team in equestrian, worked with the junior team of the USSR and the team of Moscow city. In the 90's was an intern at clinics in Germany, practiced at the University of Zurich. In recent years worked as general director and chief veterinarian LLC Vet-center "Otrada", first veterinary clinic in Russia for sport horses, working with veterinary experts from France, Germany, Denmark.

Popova Marina — canine, graduated from the courses experts at RKF, breeder, the experience of working with dogs for over 30 years. Chairman of the Jack Russell Terrier Club as part of NOKP in Nizhny Novgorod in 2009.

питомник Моя Британия

The first time my husband started talking about Jack Russell in 1993 when he first time returned from training in Germany don't ever knew this breed.

Then a few years later, after a trip to Greece, came dreamily told how Jack Russel is happy to jump, fun with the sugering hip joint, despite some anatomical changes. In his story I discerned only professional conclusions about communicating with the Jack Russell Terrier. And then in Moscow on some stables I finally saw this breed.

And talk a little, we still by mutual decision brought Jack Russell Terrier with German blood from Belarus, and trying to compete on shows understood her level. Began to search in Moscow, and from there came our second dog (unfortunately and "second trial balloon" and remained at the level of the pedigree). And only then, frankly, we have included the "brains". There were months of monitoring the world rankings, kennels , leading breeding, lines, and then many months correspondences and expectations to get a good dog. And we were lucky. We are very proud that we believe and trust our dogs to Ingrid and Henrik Saltsman kennel Saltisgarden.

Their dogs have strengthened our love for this breed and brought us to a common decision to open a kennel. Obsession, enthusiasm, and, of course, in some way make ambitions to move forward to new results not only in the shows. Want to get the highest number in breeding work smart, beautiful, good dogs.

We want that people, who have taken our dog, get the most positive from communicating with dogs, wanted to take a friend to the dog — another Jack Russell. And it happens quite often. And when they come back for a second dog — is, in some way, the fact of CONFIDENCE to breeders.

 And yet we are trying to unite all the people who love this breed. And the pleasure of meeting friends and their dogs at our dome. We assist in the content, education, and training services handling in instilling hunting skills, veterinary and of any kind of canine questions.

We are pleased to communicate with everyone and often take guests for a reason — to show and tell people about the breed, communicate directly with its representatives, children enjoy playing with our dogs.



питомник МОЯ БРИТАНИЯ Марина Попова